A vitreous hemorrhage is blood in the central cavity of the eye. It occurs when the retina's new, abnormal blood vessels rupture and bleed into the vitreous humor. They are usually a result of leakage from abnormal and weak blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy. Other causes may include a buildup of pressure in the veins of the retina due to an occlusion, a tear in the retina, or rarely 'wet' macular degeneration. Depending on the size of the hemorrhage, you may see a few new, dark floaters or all of your vision could be blocked. If the vitreous blood doesn't clear within a reasonable amount of time, vitrectomy surgery may be recommended. Ultrasound may be used if the blood in the eye prevents your physican's view to the retina. Ultrasound uses sound waves to evaluate the retina tissue behind the blood to help determine the cause and guide therapeutic options.